Cross-over artist and choir director who combines her classical music training with mainstream pop to create deeply moving songs heavily rooted in personal experience...
About JenniferJennifer is a Welsh choir director, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist based in Berlin. Growing up in Baptist churches throughout the Welsh valleys, Jennifer worked with classical and gospel choirs through her childhood and teens. Trained as a concert pianist, Jennifer also plays guitar, violin and cello, performing at a number of prestigious venues around the world over the last decade. Her EP, Anchor was released in 2021. Currently Jennifer directs two choirs in Berlin who perform at numerous events annually.
The Sounds Won't Stop
September 1, 2021
Jennifer Juliette recently released a refreshingly beautiful EP that boasts a stripped down but cinematic style of ballads that feel warm and passionate. The Anchor EP is made up of 4 songs that when trung together feel almost like a concept album of sorts. They are personal, heartfelt, and honest.
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